Business Lawyer Parramatta .

Business Law Service Offerings
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Business Lawyers Parramatta has trusted for over 40 years

As a business owner, you’ve got enough on your plate. We’re the business lawyers Parramatta has trusted for over 40 years because we make sure you can grow your business with less stress and without legal risks. 

Our business lawyers Parramatta team can help with all the legal aspects of running and managing a business. That includes laws related to starting, buying, managing, and selling any type of business. Our team can be an essential part of guiding entrepreneurs through the complexities of legal regulations, contracts, property rights, and litigation. We can ensure your business is not only compliant with the law but also protected against potential legal challenges.

Marc Hardman & Associates have carved a niche in the legal industry with our approachable, client-focused services. With over 40 years of experience, our team of dedicated solicitors and conveyancing specialists has become a cornerstone in supporting businesses in Parramatta. 

Aerial Panorama Of Parramatta Cbd With River

Your Comprehensive Partner in Business and Commercial Law Services in Parramatta

Our team of seasoned lawyers, solicitors, and conveyancers in Parramatta is ready to address any legal challenge your business encounters. We ensure that each sale or purchase aligns perfectly with your business goals, leveraging our extensive experience to secure better deals and favourable terms.

Our communication isn’t just open to you but to your accounting team too. We work closely with other parties in your business to provide strategic legal advice on taxation to potentially save you substantial amounts. Whether you’re expanding your business or cashing in, our guidance as Parramatta business lawyers can help make transitions smoother and more profitable. 

Business ventures often come with considerations that aren’t immediately apparent. Our role is to illuminate these details, preparing you for every aspect of your business journey. We handle complexities such as leases, assets, staff, and finances with a meticulous, holistic approach, ensuring nothing is missed.

Marc Hardman & Associates excels in uncovering risks hidden in fine print, negotiating the best terms, and securing the right price. Our efficiency sets us apart in Parramatta, enabling you to outpace the competition and swiftly conclude deals.

Services our business lawyers provide Parramatta


Business Sales

Selling a business involves navigating a complex series of steps, many of which might be new to you. Our team in Parramatta is here to guide you through each stage: from clarifying processes, reviewing documents, negotiating with all involved parties, to finally settling the sale. We ensure you get the right price that reflects your hard work and dedication.


Buying a Business

The journey of setting up your own business in Parramatta is thrilling, yet the paperwork can be daunting. Beyond the sheer volume, hidden traps and fine print could impact your business for years to come. We specialise in analysing agreements, negotiating favourable contracts, and expediting the legal process, smoothing your path to success.


Commercial Leasing

In Parramatta, nobody reviews and renegotiates commercial leases faster than Marc Hardman and Associates. We meticulously examine contracts, often exceeding 40 pages, to uncover every risk. Our experienced team is adept at spotting potentially dangerous conditions quickly, ensuring better terms and prices for your lease agreements.


Commercial Acquisitions

Commercial acquisitions are a complex area of conveyancing law, requiring thorough due diligence. Our team in Parramatta excels in this, covering building conditions, regulations, and financing. We conduct exhaustive document analysis, building and title inspections, financial assessments, and structure acquisitions to minimise tax implications, ensuring your investment is as safe and profitable as possible.

Questions for our Parramatta Business Lawyers?

A business lawyer helps businesses with legal issues. They give advice, write contracts, and represent businesses in court. They make sure businesses follow the law in Australia.

In short, you might engage a business lawyer to ensure your company is operating legally and fairly. 

No, you don’t need a business lawyer to start a business in Australia. However, having one can help ensure you set up correctly, understand legal requirements, and protect your interests. It’s especially useful if your business has complex structures, partnerships, or potential legal risks.

Costs vary. Some charge an hourly rate, others a fixed fee. 

If you’re looking for an accurate quote for your legal services, please contact us. Our business lawyers Sydney team are proud to offer fixed pricing and transparent pricing. Timely advice without the hidden fees.

Yes, a business lawyer can represent you in court if you face a lawsuit or need to sue someone regarding business-related issues. Most are trained to handle legal disputes, prepare necessary documents, and argue on your behalf in a court setting. 

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